Thursday , 6 February 2025

Watches & Culture – a full programme of events in 2022

An exhibition, a forum, a stronger web and social media presence, plus new learning modules: Watches and Culture, the cultural arm of the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie, is rolling out a full programme of events for 2022 aimed at watch aficionados and professionals alike. The theme for the year – sustainability – will be the subject of the Watch Forum that will take place this September 13 in Geneva.

What a year this will be for Watches and Culture, the cultural arm of the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie, which today presents its programme of activities for 2022. In line with Watches and Culture’s mission to promote the artistic and cultural value of the watch as a demonstration of excellence, the programme is structured around three pillars: The Gate, The Academy and The Forum. The many and varied events are aimed at professionals as well as amateurs, from the most knowledgeable to novice.

The Gate – Helping new audiences understand the world of watches For those eager to better acquaint themselves with the many aspects and “mysteries” of watchmaking, Watches and Culture has developed The Gate.

This initiative first took shape as an Instagram account – @watches__cltr – a new touchpoint aimed squarely at audiences who are interested in watches and active on social media. In addition, the Watch Essentials app – a gateway to watchmaking culture – has been updated and refreshed. The second key project for the public at large is the Time Design exhibition.

After premiering at Watches and Wonders, it will go on view, April 14 to May 8, at Pont de la Machine, at the heart of Geneva’s watchmaking tradition. This unique exhibition will take visitors on a journey into creative design in watches through the twentieth century to the present day, and beyond. Close to a hundred exceptional watches will be presented in custom-made showcases. Ranging from sport watches to jewellery watches, each has made its mark on watchmaking history. The exhibition will also pay a special tribute to the remarkable creativity of legendary watch designer, Gérald Genta.

The Forum – Helping to shape the industry of tomorrow A platform for sharing ideas and information, The Forum is one of the major initiatives from Watches and Culture. Each year, it examines a theme of relevance to the industry. The theme for 2022 is sustainability and will be extensively developed at seminars, round tables and with the launch of a new Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie,, Pont de la Machine 1, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

website – – that will regroup comprehensive information on the year’s theme, with articles, videos, podcasts and other original content. The high point of this initiative will be the in-person Watch Forum. Exclusively for professionals in the industry, the first edition, on the theme of sustainability, will be held this September 13 at Maison de la Paix in Geneva.

the new logo of watches culture

The Academy – Train & Certify

Watches and Culture’s educational role is centred around The Academy, which delivers training and certification programmes in 11 languages and across all the main markets. In 2022 The Academy is extending its programmes with new modules on sustainability while ramping up remote learning in response to public health guidance. As part of efforts to bring young people into contact with the values and expertise of watchmaking, Watches and Culture is strengthening ties with the academic world. Over the coming months, it will give a series of lectures at universities including Sciences Po in France and University of Hong Kong.

Through these various initiatives, Watches and Culture intends to make its mark on the world of watches, both to represent its enduring values and to educate the general public, at all levels of knowledge, on the most important issues facing the profession today.




The Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie is a private, non-profit foundation set up in 2005.

Its purpose is to promote watchmaking excellence to audiences worldwide. The Foundation’s activity is shared between two divisions:

  • Watches and Wonders organises large-scale events and gatherings for professionals and the general public.
  • Watches and Culture engages the widest possible audience with the culture of watchmaking and promotes the artistic and cultural value of the watch as a demonstration of excellence.


About Karl Heinz Nuber

Nuber ist langjähriger Uhren Journalist und begann seine Karriere in den frühen 80er Jahren. Er ist Gründer des vierteljährlich regelmässig bilingual – Deutsch und English - erscheinenden TOURBILLON Magazin’s, der digitalen TOURBILLON Plattform TICK-Talk, der Ausstellungs- und Event Plattform Art of TOURBILLON und TOURBILLON TV. Er tritt regelmässig als Kenner der Branche in Erscheinung.

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